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PoliceAdmin Demo

Police Admin/Unit Supervisor Demo


You receive an instant notification that your direct report was involved in a crash. As her supervisor, it is important for you to know what happen and if she is okay.  Instead of picking up the phone, you login into Uptime to do the following:

#1) View the Incident Report

#2) Rule Out Injuries

#3) Update Safety Notes

#4) Approve your Direct Report’s Incident Report

You were able to achieve ALL of the above within minutes with Uptime! Now it’s your turn! 

Follow the instructions below to complete steps 1-4 above.


A. Click the button below to launch the Uptime web system.
B. Sign in with the following credential to review the incident. 
Email: policeadmin@shzoom.com
Password: P@ssword2
C. Click on the incident submitted by your Operator, then add Additional Safety Notes by clicking the ‘Edit Details’ button on the upper right corner of the incident page.
D. Approve the incident once you made changes.
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