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Sneak Peek: Most Important KPIs for Maintenance Effectiveness

SHzoom’s Monthly Minute

Most Important KPIs for Maintenance Effectiveness

January 2023 | This article was originally published on FleetOwner.

With the amount of data in trucking, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here’s four of the most important key performance indicators to pay attention to.

We all know the old saying about measuring what you want to manage. I think we all can agree that if we want to improve something, we need to monitor our progress for a set baseline constantly. This holds true for maintenance operations as well.

Here are some key performance indicators (KPIs) fleets should expect their service providers to report on.

Miles to replacement

With wearable items like tires and brakes, it’s a good idea to look at how long the component lasts. For each component, you should have a goal covering the number of miles (or hours if that makes more sense in your operation) you expect the component to function. If a component needs to be replaced before its expected useful life, do some investigating. Was maintenance on that asset performed as prescribed? Did the asset’s duty cycle change? Did driving behavior change in a way that affected component life? Was the product sourced from a new supplier?

Service between preventive maintenance appointments

Ideally, an asset should only be in the shop for its regularly scheduled maintenance appointments. If you notice that an asset is in the shop between PM services, look for reasons why. Was a scheduled maintenance appointment skipped? Did the technician miss something during the scheduled PM? (This can be an opportunity for re-training.) Was the asset deployed along a new route?

On-road breakdowns

Track the number of roadside breakdowns. Zero breakdowns is an unrealistic goal, but every fleet should try to minimize costly on-road breakdowns. If an asset seems to be breaking down frequently, make sure it has not missed any maintenance appointments. Investigate whether there was a driver or technician error. If you are seeing a pattern with roadside breakdowns, you may need to alter your maintenance schedule. This is especially pertinent as most fleets are operating their vehicles well beyond their normal trade cycles.

Driver’s Daily Vehicle Inspection Report

Has there been an uptick of items listed on DVIRs. Drivers are your first line of defense in spotting developing problems. An increase in defect reporting on DVIRs can be a signal that something is awry with vehicle maintenance.

This list is not exhaustive but is a good starting place for the accountability of a fleet’s service provider. Of course, each fleet is different and is going to want to measure different things. The important takeaway is to set KPIs that make the most sense for your operation and then hold your service provider responsible for reporting on and meeting those goals.


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