Uptime for iOS Uptime for Android 6401 Penn Ave Ascender Building Pittsburgh, PA 15206 800.921.4393

Uptime by SHzoom COVID-19 Response

Drive Safe and Spread Love

SHzoom Responds to COVID-19

As we, our loved ones, and the rest of the world grapple with COVID-19, we thought it was important to provide an update on the actions SHzoom is taking to help prevent the spread of the virus and protect the well-being of our workers, customers, and innovative partners.

If you are in charge of public safety vehicles and in need of a solution to manage your fleet remotely during this on-going pandemic, we invite you to try Uptime.  Our hardworking partners in the public sector remain our top priority.

As a tech firm specializing in electronic auto repair management and crash reporting, we understand the need to work remotely and productively.  As of today, our offices remain closed, however, our staff is still available to meet with you via our Virtual Meeting Room.

Please contact our Support Team at  support@SHzoom.com.

In the meantime, as we always like to say here at SHzoom, ‘Drive Safe and Spread Love.ʼ Now is the time to spread love. Remember, weʼre all in this together. Thank you for your continued support. We are privileged to serve you.


Ingrid Cook  | CEO of SHzoom

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