Uptime for iOS Uptime for Android 6401 Penn Ave Ascender Building Pittsburgh, PA 15206 800.921.4393


Uptime by SHzoom

Crashes A Problem?

Ask About Uptime’s SBIR-NAFA Charter Member Program

Uptime’s Charter Members enjoy deep pricing discounts, early product releases, and national recognition in the Gov Tech space in exchange for their innovative leadership, industry insights, and user experience feedback.

Your Exclusive UPtime Demo

Increase Efficiency and Reduce Costs Associated with Fleet Accidents

SHzoom Technologies, Inc., a trailblazer in accident management solutions, has clinched a pivotal SBIR contract from AFWERX. The contract, administered by the Department of the Air Force (DAF), will evaluate the implementation feasibility of SHzoom’s patented accident management system across various vehicle types, including traditional, electric, and autonomous vehicles within the DAF fleet.

See Benefits for Government Fleets

Pre-Qualify for Uptime's Charter Member Program Now!

Learn How Uptime Works for You

Same Day Automated Incident Reports 

Save with Competitive Repair Quotes

Real-Time Repair Status & Supplement Tracking

Same Day Injury Notification 

Maximized Recovery Dollars on Not-at-Fault Accidents

Intelligent Workflow Automation with Built-in Accountability

Exclusive Online Driver Safety Awareness Program


Email support@shzoom.com or call us at (800)-921-4393

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